# Ejemplo del uso del paquete "rsm" para la
# Metodología de superficie de respuesta
## Loading required package: rsm

Etapa 1. Diseño \(2^{3-1} + 4 \times 0\).

# Generación de la configuración del primer experimento
exper0 <- cube(~ x1 + x2, x3 ~ x1 * x2, n0 = 4,
             coding=c(x1 ~ (harina - 1) / 0.1,
                      x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5) / 0.1,
                      x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1), randomize=FALSE)
##   run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla
## 1         1         1    0.9    0.4        0.35
## 2         2         2    1.1    0.4        0.15
## 3         3         3    0.9    0.6        0.15
## 4         4         4    1.1    0.6        0.35
## 5         5         5    1.0    0.5        0.25
## 6         6         6    1.0    0.5        0.25
## 7         7         7    1.0    0.5        0.25
## 8         8         8    1.0    0.5        0.25
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
##   run.order std.order x1 x2 x3
## 1         1         1 -1 -1  1
## 2         2         2  1 -1 -1
## 3         3         3 -1  1 -1
## 4         4         4  1  1  1
## 5         5         5  0  0  0
## 6         6         6  0  0  0
## 7         7         7  0  0  0
## 8         8         8  0  0  0
exper1 <- cube(~ x1 + x2, x3 ~ x1*x2, n0 = 4,
             coding=c(x1 ~ (harina - 1) / 0.1,
                      x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5) / 0.1,
                      x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1))
##   run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla
## 1         1         6    1.0    0.5        0.25
## 2         2         2    1.1    0.4        0.15
## 3         3         3    0.9    0.6        0.15
## 4         4         5    1.0    0.5        0.25
## 5         5         8    1.0    0.5        0.25
## 6         6         4    1.1    0.6        0.35
## 7         7         7    1.0    0.5        0.25
## 8         8         1    0.9    0.4        0.35
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
# Gráfica de varianza y configuración gráfica
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
varfcn(exper1, ~ FO(x1, x2, x3))
varfcn(exper1, ~ FO(x1, x2, x3), contour = TRUE)

# Intento de verificar si podría ajustar un modelo de segundo orden (SO)
# varfcn(exper1,~SO(x1,x2,x3))
# Adicionar un diseño en estrella "rotable"
# djoin(exper1,star(n0=2,alpha="rotatable"))
exper2 <- djoin(exper1, star(n0 = 2, alpha = 1.5))
##    run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla Block
## 1          1         6   1.00   0.50        0.25     1
## 2          2         2   1.10   0.40        0.15     1
## 3          3         3   0.90   0.60        0.15     1
## 4          4         5   1.00   0.50        0.25     1
## 5          5         8   1.00   0.50        0.25     1
## 6          6         4   1.10   0.60        0.35     1
## 7          7         7   1.00   0.50        0.25     1
## 8          8         1   0.90   0.40        0.35     1
## 9          1         5   1.00   0.50        0.10     2
## 10         2         7   1.00   0.50        0.25     2
## 11         3         1   0.85   0.50        0.25     2
## 12         4         3   1.00   0.35        0.25     2
## 13         5         4   1.00   0.65        0.25     2
## 14         6         8   1.00   0.50        0.25     2
## 15         7         6   1.00   0.50        0.40     2
## 16         8         2   1.15   0.50        0.25     2
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
# Generación del diseño en estrella con una longitud de 1.5
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
varfcn(exper2, ~ Block + SO(x1, x2, x3))
varfcn(exper2, ~ Block + SO(x1, x2, x3), contour = TRUE)

write.csv2(code2val(exper1, codings = codings(exper1)), 
           file = "experimento1.csv",
           row.names = FALSE)
exper1_r <- read.csv2("experimento1_realizado.csv")
##   run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla puntaje
## 1         1         6    1.0    0.5        0.25    24.7
## 2         2         2    1.1    0.4        0.15    28.9
## 3         3         3    0.9    0.6        0.15    20.2
## 4         4         5    1.0    0.5        0.25    25.0
## 5         5         8    1.0    0.5        0.25    24.7
## 6         6         4    1.1    0.6        0.35    27.1
## 7         7         7    1.0    0.5        0.25    25.5
## 8         8         1    0.9    0.4        0.35    21.5
exper1_r <- coded.data(exper1_r, x1 ~ (harina - 1) / 0.1,
                                 x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5) / 0.1,
                                 x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1)
##   run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla puntaje
## 1         1         6    1.0    0.5        0.25    24.7
## 2         2         2    1.1    0.4        0.15    28.9
## 3         3         3    0.9    0.6        0.15    20.2
## 4         4         5    1.0    0.5        0.25    25.0
## 5         5         8    1.0    0.5        0.25    24.7
## 6         6         4    1.1    0.6        0.35    27.1
## 7         7         7    1.0    0.5        0.25    25.5
## 8         8         1    0.9    0.4        0.35    21.5
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
# Modelo 1
m1 <- rsm(puntaje ~ FO(x1, x2, x3), data = exper1_r)
## Call:
## rsm(formula = puntaje ~ FO(x1, x2, x3), data = exper1_r)
##             Estimate Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 24.70000    0.17963 137.5077 1.678e-08 ***
## x1           3.57500    0.25403  14.0731 0.0001479 ***
## x2          -0.77500    0.25403  -3.0508 0.0379977 *  
## x3          -0.12500    0.25403  -0.4921 0.6484543    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9811, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9669 
## F-statistic:  69.2 on 3 and 4 DF,  p-value: 0.0006658
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: puntaje
##                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)
## FO(x1, x2, x3)  3 53.587 17.8625 69.2010 0.0006658
## Residuals       4  1.033  0.2581                  
## Lack of fit     1  0.605  0.6050  4.2456 0.1314343
## Pure error      3  0.428  0.1425                  
## Direction of steepest ascent (at radius 1):
##          x1          x2          x3 
##  0.97672947 -0.21173856 -0.03415138 
## Corresponding increment in original units:
##       harina       azucar  mantequilla 
##  0.097672947 -0.021173856 -0.003415138
(dir1 <- steepest(m1))
## Path of steepest ascent from ridge analysis:
##    dist    x1     x2     x3 | harina azucar mantequilla |   yhat
## 1   0.0 0.000  0.000  0.000 | 1.0000 0.5000      0.2500 | 24.700
## 2   0.5 0.488 -0.106 -0.017 | 1.0488 0.4894      0.2483 | 26.529
## 3   1.0 0.977 -0.212 -0.034 | 1.0977 0.4788      0.2466 | 28.361
## 4   1.5 1.465 -0.318 -0.051 | 1.1465 0.4682      0.2449 | 30.190
## 5   2.0 1.953 -0.423 -0.068 | 1.1953 0.4577      0.2432 | 32.018
## 6   2.5 2.442 -0.529 -0.085 | 1.2442 0.4471      0.2415 | 33.851
## 7   3.0 2.930 -0.635 -0.102 | 1.2930 0.4365      0.2398 | 35.680
## 8   3.5 3.419 -0.741 -0.120 | 1.3419 0.4259      0.2380 | 37.512
## 9   4.0 3.907 -0.847 -0.137 | 1.3907 0.4153      0.2363 | 39.341
## 10  4.5 4.395 -0.953 -0.154 | 1.4395 0.4047      0.2346 | 41.170
## 11  5.0 4.884 -1.059 -0.171 | 1.4884 0.3941      0.2329 | 43.002

Etapa 2. Camino del ascenso máximo.

exper2 <- dupe(dir1[2:9, ])
##   run.order std.order dist    x1     x2     x3 | harina azucar mantequilla
## 1         1         4  2.0 1.953 -0.423 -0.068 | 1.1953 0.4577      0.2432
## 2         2         1  0.5 0.488 -0.106 -0.017 | 1.0488 0.4894      0.2483
## 3         3         6  3.0 2.930 -0.635 -0.102 | 1.2930 0.4365      0.2398
## 4         4         3  1.5 1.465 -0.318 -0.051 | 1.1465 0.4682      0.2449
## 5         5         2  1.0 0.977 -0.212 -0.034 | 1.0977 0.4788      0.2466
## 6         6         5  2.5 2.442 -0.529 -0.085 | 1.2442 0.4471      0.2415
## 7         7         7  3.5 3.419 -0.741 -0.120 | 1.3419 0.4259      0.2380
## 8         8         8  4.0 3.907 -0.847 -0.137 | 1.3907 0.4153      0.2363
##   |.1   yhat
## 1   | 32.018
## 2   | 26.529
## 3   | 35.680
## 4   | 30.190
## 5   | 28.361
## 6   | 33.851
## 7   | 37.512
## 8   | 39.341
write.csv2(exper2, file = "experimento2.csv",
           row.names = FALSE)
exper2_r <- read.csv2("experimento2_realizado.csv")
##   run.order std.order dist    x1     x2     x3 X. harina azucar
## 1         1         4  2.0 1.953 -0.423 -0.068  | 1.1953 0.4577
## 2         2         1  0.5 0.488 -0.106 -0.017  | 1.0488 0.4894
## 3         3         6  3.0 2.930 -0.635 -0.102  | 1.2930 0.4365
## 4         4         3  1.5 1.465 -0.318 -0.051  | 1.1465 0.4682
## 5         5         2  1.0 0.977 -0.212 -0.034  | 1.0977 0.4788
## 6         6         5  2.5 2.442 -0.529 -0.085  | 1.2442 0.4471
## 7         7         7  3.5 3.419 -0.741 -0.120  | 1.3419 0.4259
## 8         8         8  4.0 3.907 -0.847 -0.137  | 1.3907 0.4153
##   mantequilla X..1   yhat puntaje
## 1      0.2432    | 32.018    26.6
## 2      0.2483    | 26.529    24.8
## 3      0.2398    | 35.680    27.8
## 4      0.2449    | 30.190    27.5
## 5      0.2466    | 28.361    25.3
## 6      0.2415    | 33.851    26.0
## 7      0.2380    | 37.512    27.3
## 8      0.2363    | 39.341    24.3
exper2_r <- coded.data(exper2_r, 
                       x1 ~ (harina - 1) / 0.1,
                       x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5) / 0.1,
                       x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1)
##   run.order std.order dist harina azucar mantequilla X. harina azucar
## 1         1         4  2.0 1.1953 0.4577      0.2432  |  1.953 -0.423
## 2         2         1  0.5 1.0488 0.4894      0.2483  |  0.488 -0.106
## 3         3         6  3.0 1.2930 0.4365      0.2398  |  2.930 -0.635
## 4         4         3  1.5 1.1465 0.4682      0.2449  |  1.465 -0.318
## 5         5         2  1.0 1.0977 0.4788      0.2466  |  0.977 -0.212
## 6         6         5  2.5 1.2442 0.4471      0.2415  |  2.442 -0.529
## 7         7         7  3.5 1.3419 0.4259      0.2380  |  3.419 -0.741
## 8         8         8  4.0 1.3907 0.4153      0.2363  |  3.907 -0.847
##   mantequilla X..1   yhat puntaje
## 1      -0.068    | 32.018    26.6
## 2      -0.017    | 26.529    24.8
## 3      -0.102    | 35.680    27.8
## 4      -0.051    | 30.190    27.5
## 5      -0.034    | 28.361    25.3
## 6      -0.085    | 33.851    26.0
## 7      -0.120    | 37.512    27.3
## 8      -0.137    | 39.341    24.3
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.5)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
plot(puntaje ~ dist,data = exper2_r, pch = 19)

# Modelo 2
m2<-lm(puntaje ~ poly(dist, 2), data = exper2_r)
## Call:
## lm(formula = puntaje ~ poly(dist, 2), data = exper2_r)
## Coefficients:
##    (Intercept)  poly(dist, 2)1  poly(dist, 2)2  
##        26.2000          0.5246         -2.5151
plot(puntaje ~ dist, data = exper2_r, pch=19)
   lines(dist[ord], predict(m2)[ord])

Etapa 3. Diseño \(2^{3-1} + 4 \times 0\).

exper3 <- dupe(exper1)
codings(exper3) <- c(x1 ~ (harina - 1.25) / 0.1,
                     x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45) / 0.1,
                     x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1)
##   run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla
## 1         1         2   1.35   0.35        0.15
## 2         2         3   1.15   0.55        0.15
## 3         3         1   1.15   0.35        0.35
## 4         4         8   1.25   0.45        0.25
## 5         5         6   1.25   0.45        0.25
## 6         6         5   1.25   0.45        0.25
## 7         7         4   1.35   0.55        0.35
## 8         8         7   1.25   0.45        0.25
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1.25)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
write.csv2(code2val(exper3, codings = codings(exper1)), 
                    file = "experimento3.csv",
           row.names = FALSE)
exper3_r <- read.csv2("experimento3_realizado.csv")
codings(exper3_r) <- c(x1 ~ (harina - 1.25) / 0.1,
                       x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45) / 0.1,
                       x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1)
##   run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla puntaje
## 1         1         2   1.35   0.35        0.15    25.3
## 2         2         3   1.15   0.55        0.15    26.0
## 3         3         1   1.15   0.35        0.35    27.3
## 4         4         8   1.25   0.45        0.25    27.2
## 5         5         6   1.25   0.45        0.25    26.2
## 6         6         5   1.25   0.45        0.25    26.6
## 7         7         4   1.35   0.55        0.35    23.7
## 8         8         7   1.25   0.45        0.25    27.8
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1.25)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
# Modelo 3
m3 <- rsm(puntaje ~ FO(x1, x2, x3), data = exper3_r)
## Call:
## rsm(formula = puntaje ~ FO(x1, x2, x3), data = exper3_r)
##             Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 26.26250    0.40509 64.8306 3.391e-07 ***
## x1          -1.07500    0.57289 -1.8765    0.1338    
## x2          -0.72500    0.57289 -1.2655    0.2744    
## x3          -0.07500    0.57289 -0.1309    0.9022    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5624, Adjusted R-squared:  0.2341 
## F-statistic: 1.713 on 3 and 4 DF,  p-value: 0.3015
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: puntaje
##                Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)
## FO(x1, x2, x3)  3 6.7475  2.2492  1.7132 0.30145
## Residuals       4 5.2513  1.3128                
## Lack of fit     1 3.7813  3.7813  7.7168 0.06911
## Pure error      3 1.4700  0.4900                
## Direction of steepest ascent (at radius 1):
##          x1          x2          x3 
## -0.82768868 -0.55820864 -0.05774572 
## Corresponding increment in original units:
##       harina       azucar  mantequilla 
## -0.082768868 -0.055820864 -0.005774572

Etapa 4. Doblar el experimento.

exper4 <- foldover(exper3, variable = "x1")
##   run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla
## 1         1         6   1.25   0.45        0.25
## 2         2         2   1.15   0.35        0.15
## 3         3         5   1.25   0.45        0.25
## 4         4         7   1.25   0.45        0.25
## 5         5         3   1.35   0.55        0.15
## 6         6         1   1.35   0.35        0.35
## 7         7         4   1.15   0.55        0.35
## 8         8         8   1.25   0.45        0.25
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1.25)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
write.csv2(code2val(exper4, codings = codings(exper3)), 
           file = "experimento4.csv",
           row.names = FALSE)
exper4_r <- read.csv2("experimento4_realizado.csv")
codings(exper4_r) <- c(x1 ~ (harina - 1.25) / 0.1,
                       x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45) / 0.1,
                       x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1)
##   run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla puntaje
## 1         1         6   1.25   0.45        0.25    34.9
## 2         2         2   1.15   0.35        0.15    34.0
## 3         3         5   1.25   0.45        0.25    35.5
## 4         4         7   1.25   0.45        0.25    35.1
## 5         5         3   1.35   0.55        0.15    31.0
## 6         6         1   1.35   0.35        0.35    33.3
## 7         7         4   1.15   0.55        0.35    34.6
## 8         8         8   1.25   0.45        0.25    35.1
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1.25)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
union3_4 <- djoin(exper3_r, exper4_r)
##    run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla puntaje Block
## 1          1         2   1.35   0.35        0.15    25.3     1
## 2          2         3   1.15   0.55        0.15    26.0     1
## 3          3         1   1.15   0.35        0.35    27.3     1
## 4          4         8   1.25   0.45        0.25    27.2     1
## 5          5         6   1.25   0.45        0.25    26.2     1
## 6          6         5   1.25   0.45        0.25    26.6     1
## 7          7         4   1.35   0.55        0.35    23.7     1
## 8          8         7   1.25   0.45        0.25    27.8     1
## 9          1         6   1.25   0.45        0.25    34.9     2
## 10         2         2   1.15   0.35        0.15    34.0     2
## 11         3         5   1.25   0.45        0.25    35.5     2
## 12         4         7   1.25   0.45        0.25    35.1     2
## 13         5         3   1.35   0.55        0.15    31.0     2
## 14         6         1   1.35   0.35        0.35    33.3     2
## 15         7         4   1.15   0.55        0.35    34.6     2
## 16         8         8   1.25   0.45        0.25    35.1     2
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1.25)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
# Modelo 4
m4<-rsm(puntaje~Block + FO(x1 ,x2, x3), data = union3_4)
## Call:
## rsm(formula = puntaje ~ Block + FO(x1, x2, x3), data = union3_4)
##             Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 26.26250    0.40329 65.1208 1.388e-15 ***
## Block2       7.92500    0.57034 13.8953 2.543e-08 ***
## x1          -1.07500    0.40329 -2.6656   0.02197 *  
## x2          -0.57500    0.40329 -1.4258   0.18169    
## x3           0.32500    0.40329  0.8059   0.43739    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9486, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9299 
## F-statistic: 50.72 on 4 and 11 DF,  p-value: 5.075e-07
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: puntaje
##                Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)
## Block           1 251.222 251.222 193.0793 2.543e-08
## FO(x1, x2, x3)  3  12.735   4.245   3.2625  0.063177
## Residuals      11  14.313   1.301                   
## Lack of fit     5  12.652   2.530   9.1464  0.008934
## Pure error      6   1.660   0.277                   
## Direction of steepest ascent (at radius 1):
##         x1         x2         x3 
## -0.8520282 -0.4557360  0.2575899 
## Corresponding increment in original units:
##      harina      azucar mantequilla 
## -0.08520282 -0.04557360  0.02575899

Etapa 5. Bloque con estrella.

exper5 <- star(exper4, n0=2, alpha = "orthogonal")
##   run.order std.order   harina    azucar mantequilla
## 1         1         8 1.250000 0.4500000   0.2500000
## 2         2         3 1.250000 0.3085786   0.2500000
## 3         3         6 1.250000 0.4500000   0.3914214
## 4         4         5 1.250000 0.4500000   0.1085786
## 5         5         1 1.108579 0.4500000   0.2500000
## 6         6         4 1.250000 0.5914214   0.2500000
## 7         7         2 1.391421 0.4500000   0.2500000
## 8         8         7 1.250000 0.4500000   0.2500000
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1.25)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25)/0.1
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
union3_4_5 <- djoin(exper3,exper4,exper5)
varfcn(union3_4_5, ~Block + SO(x1, x2, x3))
varfcn(union3_4_5, ~Block + SO(x1, x2, x3), contour=T)

write.csv2(code2val(exper5, codings = codings(exper5)), 
           file = "experimento5.csv",
           row.names = FALSE)
exper5_r <- read.csv2("experimento5_realizado.csv")
codings(exper5_r) <-  c(x1 ~ (harina - 1.25) / 0.1,
                        x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45) / 0.1,
                        x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1)
union3_4_5 <- djoin(exper3_r, exper4_r, exper5_r)
# Modelo 5
m5 <- rsm(puntaje ~ Block + SO(x1, x2, x3), data = union3_4_5)
## Call:
## rsm(formula = puntaje ~ Block + SO(x1, x2, x3), data = union3_4_5)
##                Estimate  Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  2.6996e+01  2.5051e-01 107.7647 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Block2       7.9250e+00  2.9641e-01  26.7366 4.601e-12 ***
## Block3       6.0000e-01  2.9641e-01   2.0242  0.065795 .  
## x1          -1.0466e+00  1.7113e-01  -6.1160 5.208e-05 ***
## x2          -7.7224e-01  1.7113e-01  -4.5125  0.000711 ***
## x3           2.5202e-01  1.7113e-01   1.4727  0.166578    
## x1:x2       -4.0000e-01  2.0959e-01  -1.9085  0.080537 .  
## x1:x3       -1.5000e-01  2.0959e-01  -0.7157  0.487888    
## x2:x3       -5.7175e-16  2.0959e-01   0.0000  1.000000    
## x1^2        -1.2393e+00  1.9405e-01  -6.3865 3.471e-05 ***
## x2^2        -6.4286e-02  1.9405e-01  -0.3313  0.746139    
## x3^2        -1.6429e-01  1.9405e-01  -0.8466  0.413766    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9881, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9772 
## F-statistic: 90.77 on 11 and 12 DF,  p-value: 8.46e-10
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: puntaje
##                 Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq  F value    Pr(>F)
## Block            2 311.523 155.762 443.2137 5.678e-12
## FO(x1, x2, x3)   3  21.064   7.021  19.9791 5.849e-05
## TWI(x1, x2, x3)  3   1.460   0.487   1.3848  0.294838
## PQ(x1, x2, x3)   3  16.845   5.615  15.9771  0.000172
## Residuals       12   4.217   0.351                   
## Lack of fit      5   2.312   0.462   1.6993  0.252578
## Pure error       7   1.905   0.272                   
## Stationary point of response surface:
##         x1         x2         x3 
##  1.0644952 -9.3180901  0.2810583 
## Stationary point in original units:
##      harina      azucar mantequilla 
##   1.3564495  -0.4818090   0.2781058 
## Eigenanalysis:
## eigen() decomposition
## $values
## [1] -0.03002067 -0.16052168 -1.27731479
## $vectors
##           [,1]        [,2]       [,3]
## x1  0.16811860 -0.04985422 0.98450530
## x2 -0.98128332 -0.10360829 0.16232180
## x3 -0.09391048  0.99336795 0.06633959
## Path of steepest ascent from ridge analysis:
##    dist     x1     x2    x3 | harina  azucar mantequilla |   yhat
## 1   0.0  0.000  0.000 0.000 | 1.2500  0.4500      0.2500 | 26.996
## 2   0.5 -0.227 -0.417 0.156 | 1.2273  0.4083      0.2656 | 27.484
## 3   1.0 -0.235 -0.922 0.307 | 1.2265  0.3578      0.2807 | 27.817
## 4   1.5 -0.189 -1.431 0.408 | 1.2311  0.3069      0.2908 | 28.102
## 5   2.0 -0.126 -1.939 0.473 | 1.2374  0.2561      0.2973 | 28.358
## 6   2.5 -0.055 -2.446 0.514 | 1.2445  0.2054      0.3014 | 28.591
## 7   3.0  0.020 -2.951 0.536 | 1.2520  0.1549      0.3036 | 28.804
## 8   3.5  0.098 -3.456 0.546 | 1.2598  0.1044      0.3046 | 28.999
## 9   4.0  0.178 -3.959 0.546 | 1.2678  0.0541      0.3046 | 29.177
## 10  4.5  0.258 -4.459 0.538 | 1.2758  0.0041      0.3038 | 29.337
## 11  5.0  0.339 -4.961 0.525 | 1.2839 -0.0461      0.3025 | 29.481

Etapa 6. Camino de máximo ascenso.

exper6 <- dupe(steepest(m5, dist = (2:9) / 3))
## Path of steepest ascent from ridge analysis:
##   run.order std.order      dist     x1     x2    x3 | harina azucar
## 1         1         3 1.3333333 -0.207 -1.261 0.379 | 1.2293 0.3239
## 2         2         8 3.0000000  0.020 -2.951 0.536 | 1.2520 0.1549
## 3         3         2 1.0000000 -0.235 -0.922 0.307 | 1.2265 0.3578
## 4         4         7 2.6666667 -0.030 -2.615 0.523 | 1.2470 0.1885
## 5         5         5 2.0000000 -0.126 -1.939 0.473 | 1.2374 0.2561
## 6         6         4 1.6666667 -0.169 -1.600 0.433 | 1.2331 0.2900
## 7         7         6 2.3333333 -0.079 -2.278 0.502 | 1.2421 0.2222
## 8         8         1 0.6666667 -0.241 -0.584 0.212 | 1.2259 0.3916
##   mantequilla |.1   yhat
## 1      0.2879   | 28.011
## 2      0.3036   | 28.804
## 3      0.2807   | 27.817
## 4      0.3023   | 28.664
## 5      0.2973   | 28.358
## 6      0.2933   | 28.190
## 7      0.3002   | 28.516
## 8      0.2712   | 27.603
write.csv2(exper6, file = "experimento6.csv",
           row.names = FALSE)
exper6_r <- read.csv2("experimento6_realizado.csv")
codings(exper6_r) <- c(x1 ~ (harina - 1.25) / 0.1,
                     x2 ~ (azucar - 0.45) / 0.1,
                     x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.25) / 0.1)
plot(puntaje ~ dist, data = exper6_r)

# Modelo 6
m6 <- lm(puntaje ~ poly(dist, 2), data = exper6_r)
plot(puntaje ~ dist, data = exper6_r)
  ord <- order(dist)
  lines(dist[ord], predict(m6)[ord])

Etapa 7. Diseño central compuesto. \(2^3\), en estrella \(+2\times0\).

exper7 <- ccd(~ x1 + x2 + x3, n0 = c(0, 2),
            coding=c(x1~(harina - 1.25) / 0.1,
                     x2~(azucar - 0.3) / 0.1,
                     x3~(mantequilla - 0.3) / 0.1))
##    run.order std.order harina azucar mantequilla Block
## 1          1         7   1.15    0.4         0.4     1
## 2          2         2   1.35    0.2         0.2     1
## 3          3         6   1.35    0.2         0.4     1
## 4          4         1   1.15    0.2         0.2     1
## 5          5         3   1.15    0.4         0.2     1
## 6          6         8   1.35    0.4         0.4     1
## 7          7         5   1.15    0.2         0.4     1
## 8          8         4   1.35    0.4         0.2     1
## 9          1         4   1.25    0.5         0.3     2
## 10         2         5   1.25    0.3         0.1     2
## 11         3         6   1.25    0.3         0.5     2
## 12         4         7   1.25    0.3         0.3     2
## 13         5         1   1.05    0.3         0.3     2
## 14         6         8   1.25    0.3         0.3     2
## 15         7         3   1.25    0.1         0.3     2
## 16         8         2   1.45    0.3         0.3     2
## Data are stored in coded form using these coding formulas ...
## x1 ~ (harina - 1.25)/0.1
## x2 ~ (azucar - 0.3)/0.1
## x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.3)/0.1
write.csv2(code2val(exper7, codings = codings(exper7)), 
           file = "experimento7.csv",
           row.names = TRUE)
exper7_r <- read.csv2("experimento7_realizado.csv")
codings(exper7_r) <- c(x1 ~ (harina - 1.25) / 0.1,
                     x2 ~ (azucar - 0.3) / 0.1,
                     x3 ~ (mantequilla - 0.3) / 0.1)
# Modelo 7
m7 <- rsm(puntaje ~ Block + SO(x1, x2, x3), data = exper7_r)
## Call:
## rsm(formula = puntaje ~ Block + SO(x1, x2, x3), data = exper7_r)
##             Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 27.20000    0.74128 36.6932 2.831e-07 ***
## Block        0.70000    0.37064  1.8886  0.117568    
## x1          -0.90000    0.18532 -4.8564  0.004648 ** 
## x2          -0.05000    0.18532 -0.2698  0.798093    
## x3           0.63750    0.18532  3.4400  0.018436 *  
## x1:x2       -0.27500    0.26208 -1.0493  0.342094    
## x1:x3        0.10000    0.26208  0.3816  0.718466    
## x2:x3       -0.40000    0.26208 -1.5262  0.187476    
## x1^2        -1.15000    0.18532 -6.2055  0.001587 ** 
## x2^2        -0.60000    0.18532 -3.2376  0.023010 *  
## x3^2        -0.52500    0.18532 -2.8329  0.036549 *  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9421, Adjusted R-squared:  0.8262 
## F-statistic: 8.131 on 10 and 5 DF,  p-value: 0.01602
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: puntaje
##                 Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)
## Block            1  1.9600  1.9600  3.5669 0.117568
## FO(x1, x2, x3)   3 19.5025  6.5008 11.8305 0.010422
## TWI(x1, x2, x3)  3  1.9650  0.6550  1.1920 0.401731
## PQ(x1, x2, x3)   3 21.2550  7.0850 12.8935 0.008653
## Residuals        5  2.7475  0.5495                 
## Lack of fit      4  1.7675  0.4419  0.4509 0.789337
## Pure error       1  0.9800  0.9800                 
## Stationary point of response surface:
##         x1         x2         x3 
## -0.3421914 -0.1772769  0.6420873 
## Stationary point in original units:
##      harina      azucar mantequilla 
##   1.2157809   0.2822723   0.3642087 
## Eigenanalysis:
## eigen() decomposition
## $values
## [1] -0.3390336 -0.7534946 -1.1824718
## $vectors
##          [,1]       [,2]         [,3]
## x1  0.1562180 -0.1664741  0.973592470
## x2 -0.6513590  0.7236263  0.228246488
## x3  0.7425142  0.6698144 -0.004609058
contour(m7, ~ x1 + x2 + x3, at=xs(m7), image=TRUE)

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

par(mfrow = c(1,1))
ajustes <- predict(m7)
residuales <- resid(m7)
update(m7, ajustes + sample(residuales, replace = TRUE) ~ .)
## Call:
## rsm(formula = ajustes + sample(residuales, replace = TRUE) ~ 
##     Block + FO(x1, x2, x3) + TWI(x1, x2, x3) + PQ(x1, x2, x3), 
##     data = exper7_r)
## Coefficients:
##          (Intercept)                 Block      FO(x1, x2, x3)x1  
##             27.51250               0.54375              -0.92813  
##     FO(x1, x2, x3)x2      FO(x1, x2, x3)x3  TWI(x1, x2, x3)x1:x2  
##             -0.07656               0.56094              -0.49375  
## TWI(x1, x2, x3)x1:x3  TWI(x1, x2, x3)x2:x3    PQ(x1, x2, x3)x1^2  
##              0.31875              -0.23750              -1.15000  
##   PQ(x1, x2, x3)x2^2    PQ(x1, x2, x3)x3^2  
##             -0.51719              -0.60156
xs(update(m7, ajustes + sample(residuales, replace = TRUE) ~ .))
##          x1          x2          x3 
## -0.35437573  0.01010444  0.37035256
boot.crudo <- replicate(500, 
                                  ajustes + sample(residuales,
                                                   replace = TRUE) ~ .)))
boot1 <- code2val(as.data.frame(t(boot.crudo)),
                codings = codings(m7))
# Verificación del último modelo mediante boostrap
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(azucar ~ harina, data = boot1, col = "gray")
points(1.215, 0.282, col = "red", pch = 7)
plot(mantequilla~harina, data = boot1, col = "gray")
points(1.215, 0.364, col = "red", pch = 7)
plot(mantequilla~azucar, data = boot1, col = "gray")
points(0.282, 0.364, col = "red", pch = 7)

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
plot(azucar ~ harina, data = boot1, 
     col = "gray",  xlim = c(1, 1.5),  ylim = c(0, 0.5),  asp = 1)
points(1.215, 0.282, col = "red", pch = 7)
plot(mantequilla ~ harina, data = boot1, 
     col = "gray",  xlim = c(1, 1.5),  ylim = c(0, 0.5),  asp = 1)
points(1.215, 0.364, col = "red", pch = 7)
plot(mantequilla ~ azucar, data = boot1, 
     col = "gray",  ylim = c(0, 0.5),  xlim = c(0, 0.5),  asp = 1)
points(0.282, 0.364, col = "red", pch = 7)

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))